I'm reading at mass this week. Hopefully I'll be the one to read the following:
Gn 3:9-15, 20
After the man, Adam, had eaten of the tree,
the LORD God called to the man and asked him, “Where are you?”
He answered, “I heard you in the garden;
but I was afraid, because I was naked,
so I hid myself.”
Then he asked, “Who told you that you were naked?
You have eaten, then,
from the tree of which I had forbidden you to eat!”
The man replied, “The woman whom you put here with me
she gave me fruit from the tree, and so I ate it.”
The LORD God then asked the woman,
“Why did you do such a thing?”
The woman answered, “The serpent tricked me into it, so I ate it.”
Then the LORD God said to the serpent:
“Because you have done this, you shall be banned
from all the animals
and from all the wild creatures;
on your belly shall you crawl,
and dirt shall you eat
all the days of your life.
I will put enmity between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and hers;
he will strike at your head,
while you strike at his heel.”
The man called his wife Eve,
because she became the mother of all the living.
There are many perspectives and interpretations about the nakedness of Adam and Eve. God did not clothe them. The roamed freely amongst the garden naked and never thought anything about it. When they ate the forbidden fruit they suddenly were ashamed of themselves and hid behind the covering of plants. Many interpret this as a sign that nakedness equals sin. If that is so then why would God have them running around naked in the first place? One explanation I've heard and tend to agree with, is that Adam and Eve were ashamed of their sin of disobedience by eating of the fruit that God had told them not to eat. So they hid themselves and their shame. Nakedness was not so much a concern about being unclothed but more about being exposed for their sin of disobedience to God. So they hid themselves with plants to cover their shame, not necessarily to cover their bodies.
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Sunday, December 5, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
A Party? What To Wear?
My husband and I were invited to a party the other day. Alas, it was a textile party. So the question that had to be asked was, "What should I wear?" Oh, the joy of partying with nudists is that you don't have to worrying about wearing anything. But in the textile world there is the concern about what top to wear with it being cold outside but warm inside. Which pants will I fit in since I've gained a few pounds. Should I wear heels or boots? No matter what I wear, I'm uncomfortable and can't wait until I can get my clothes off, especially my scratchy and constricting unmentionables. This leads me to my preference of parties thrown by nudists.
I have been to several nudist parties. Most of them are theme parties. Then the question still remains, "What should I wear?" Followed by the wonderment of why there should be a concern about what to wear to a nudist party. Strangely however, many nudists love to dress up for parties. The difference is usually the extent to which they will dress up. Men and women alike seem to enjoy the art of wearing a costume that still allows for certain body parts to remain unconstrained and unhidden. On many occassions party goers will wear lingerie that is completely unrelated to the night's theme. For myself, I still prefer to wear just my birthday suit. The rule of thumb at a nudist party is less is more and whatever you decide to wear or not wear, all are welcome and everyone is merry.
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http://s25.photobucket.com/home/Muldoomstone |
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Peace & Tranquility in the California Desert at Living Waters Spa

After three days of quiet and pampering I still can't get out of the mediational mode and get myself in the working mode and I've been home for a week. I have so much to say, but honestly just can't seem to get all of the words out just yet. I promise I will later. In the meantime, please enjoy some of the pictures I took while at the spa.
invite singles and couples, but they are not to be mistaken with any of the swinger's clubs/spas in the Desert Hot Springs area. Living Waters is about meditation, quiet, health, mineral waters, and true naturism (they are clothing optional for those of you not quite ready to reveal everything). You can visit for the day, enjoy a massage, a wrap, or a body scrub, or really pamper yourself and stay overnight or two or three.
desert hot springs,
hot springs,
living waters,
mineral water,
new age,
palm springs,
Friday, October 22, 2010
Naked Under Cover
Even in Southern California the weather is turning cooler and opportunities to be nude outdoors, other than for those die hards like my husband that love cooler weather, are becoming fewer and farther between. Yet another weekend will go by without being able to visit our local nudist club to enjoy the sunshine in the buff. So how do we nudists get by when the weather turns cold? For me, I spend a lot of time under the covers of the bed. I still can't bring myself to sleep in pajamas, too confining. I always get twisted in the fabric. But give me some nice clean sheets and a comforter and I'm a happy camper.
As for socializing with other nudists during Fall and Winter. Well, in Orange County the Naturists in the OC or NITOC have a family friendly nude swim once a month at an indoor pool. They also offer gym facilities where folks can play volleyball, basketball and some other indoor sports followed by a nice dinner and raffle. It's a great time to relax and make some new friends or visit with old friends. It's still not so frigid in So Cal that we couldn't still enjoy the nudist club and use the indoor pool and outdoor spa, plus just hang out with friends in a trailer or something, but for some of us our sunbathing activities will be curtailed. I'd love to hear from nudists in other parts of the world regarding their cooler weather naturist activities.
As for socializing with other nudists during Fall and Winter. Well, in Orange County the Naturists in the OC or NITOC have a family friendly nude swim once a month at an indoor pool. They also offer gym facilities where folks can play volleyball, basketball and some other indoor sports followed by a nice dinner and raffle. It's a great time to relax and make some new friends or visit with old friends. It's still not so frigid in So Cal that we couldn't still enjoy the nudist club and use the indoor pool and outdoor spa, plus just hang out with friends in a trailer or something, but for some of us our sunbathing activities will be curtailed. I'd love to hear from nudists in other parts of the world regarding their cooler weather naturist activities.
Orange County,
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Let's Talk About Boob Jobs
This discussion might be a bit controversial, but I think it’s a topic worth discussing.
It’s funny that nudists are all about body acceptance, but tummy tucks and boob jobs are rampant in the nudist community, at least here in California. Of course, some alterations are due to medical necessity but many are simply aesthetic. I must admit that the idea of defying age and gravity with a little help from my local plastic surgeon is tempting, but after seeing some very unnatural looking post surgery breasts along with the various scar designs my temptation level has waned to a fear of having breasts that look like they are 20 while the rest of my body looks elderly. Natural breasts come in various shapes and sizes, some are full and rounded at the bottom, some dangle languorously pointing towards the ground, and some are small and pert. All natural breasts however share the characteristics of a gentle droop and a happy jiggle and bounce when unbound and traveling. Augmented breasts also come in various shapes and sizes, often dependent on the skills of the surgeon and the elasticity of the woman’s skin at the time of the surgery. Some are full and round, but seem to have the skin stretched so tight over the breast they look as though they might pop if they were touched. Some are disproportionately large compared to the physique of the woman. Some have natural looking breasts, but the nipples are positioned awkwardly as though they were placed to high above center and look surprised at the view. Every so often there are some breasts that look so magnificent that it’s difficult to determine if they are real or enhanced. They have the fullness expected when a woman is young and has not experienced childbirth, or breastfeeding, and they have that gentle droop that natural breasts experience. The only sign that can truly identify this wonderful breast enhancement is the think scar neatly hidden under the curve of the breasts that may only be seen if the woman raises her arms enough to expose the hidden area. I’ve not had the nerve just yet to approach a woman with this rarest of excellent surgical procedures and ask her the name of the surgeon. If I were to consider a breast augmentation I would certainly use a doctor with references such as these. For now, and maybe forever, I’ll stick with what nature gave me and enjoy living my naturist life.
48 Reasons Not To Get A Boob Job
body acceptance,
boob job,
plastic surgery,
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Does Your Spouse Know You Are A Nudist?
I’ve always thought it was interesting when meeting a fellow nudist who’s spouse is not in attendance. Everytime I’ve spoke to these seeming single nudists and found out they were actually married, I wondered, where are their spouses or significant others? Do they not approve of their spouse’s proclivity toward nudism? Are they understanding but don’t prefer the lifestyle themselves? Are they simply unaware that their spouse or significant other is sunbathing nude on the beach or wherever? After speaking to one man who after several years of marriage was finally caught by his wife utilizing nude resorts for his business trips rather than traditional hotels I was struck by my own since of judgement towards this person for hiding his activities from his wife for so many years. I’m sure we can all imagine what her reaction must have been. Surprising to some, but not surprising to others, she actually embraced the nudist lifestyle and joined her husband on future trips, evidently forgiving him for his past indiscretions. With no more hidden truths between them and a new found shared activity I’m assuming their marriage has taken a new path of shared experiences and confidence.
So, what about you? Are you or is someone you know hiding their love of naturism from a loved one, ie children, parents, lover? Or do you enjoy nudism without your partner who stays away while you participate in nudist activities? Are you the spouse of a nudist who does not share the enjoyment of naturism or maybe you have a career related reason for avoiding the lifestyle? I’d love to hear from both sides to better understand how couples with differing opinions on the subject manage to coexist peacefully.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Social Nudity, Why?
I have had friends ask me, “Why are you a nudist?” I’ve been asked if I’m an exhibitionist, a swinger, a voyeur, or simply just weird. Maybe I am deluding myself, but I don’t think I’m any of those adjectives.
When I was a child I was a notorious stripper. Back then everyone just thought it was cute. “There she is again, naked as a Jay bird.” I’m sure the heat had a lot to do with the shedding of clothes. Also, as a child there were no concerns about how society would react to my nakedness, regardless of my resemblance to a Jay bird or any other bird for that matter. My only concern was for my own comfort, coolness, and freedom from the confines of my clothing. As I grew a little older, say my early teen years, skinny dipping became a more acceptable opportunity for being naked outside of my bedroom or bathroom. By then the pressures of society were upon me and so skinny dipping took on a new feeling of clandestine naughtiness. My friends and I would slip off our bathing suits and jump into the water blushing and giggling. Still, the desire to be naked outdoors stemmed from the feeling of freedom attained by throwing off our clothes which seemed to represent rules that our families, schools, churches, and the rest of society had thrust upon us. Adulthood seemed to bring with it tighter societal restrictions rather than the liberation I expected. In my mind cleavage and other bodily attributes needed to be well hidden under loose fitting clothes, especially while at work. Otherwise, eyebrows may raise, tongues may wag, and I would be presumed as nothing more than office eye candy rather than a business woman with a brain. So I remained covered up, in and out of the office, for decades. Then I discovered social nudism and rediscovered that childhood feeling of abandon. No clothes to weigh me down. Free from my burdens, even if only symbolically. I’m liberated.
But why public nudity, you may ask? Yes, I could certainly be naked in my home. But there is a different feeling when you are naked in nature rather than hiding indoors. The sun and wind caressing every inch of your skin is tantalizing and you can feel one with nature.
“Ok,” you may say, “I can understand being naked in nature, but why would anyone want to be around other naked people?” Well, there is something to be said about being around like minded people. I certainly wouldn’t feel comfortable walking around naked on a beach or at a party where everyone else is fully clothed. I would stick out like a sore thumb. Plus, the clothed people might be horrified and offended because they might not understand the reasoning behind my nudity. However, if everyone else were also naked then I would fit in and the others would share my viewpoint. Are you beginning to see where I’m coming from? Now let me ask you this question. When was the last time you went somewhere and made friends with fellow travelers or beach goers? I’m not saying it isn’t possible, but from my experience the greetings and conversations have been more temporary and superficial than those I’ve experienced when conversing with fellow nudists. I think Tom Tiemann, from Bare Necessities Tour and Travel, summed it up perfectly when he wrote, “People who can shed their clothes in public (imperfections and all)---are also able to discard their emotional coverings as well. When they do this, their real self shines through and, they are ready for genuine friendship.”
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Nudist Colonies
I have a dream of living in a beautiful location near the beach and the forest where it is warm all year round so I can run around nude at my discretion with nobody telling me that I have to be dressed. Am I alone? I think not, in fact, I believe there are people out there living my dream. Did you know there are nudist communities or colonies throughout the world? No, they did not die out in the 70s. They do still exist and I've actually been to some of them. Although, my personal dream is not to live in a communal situation, but to live on my own property where the only rules are those I've invented and can break at my will. However, if I were to desire communal living there are plenty of options.
Let's take a look at a few options.
Glen Eden Nudist Resort. Like many others GE terms itself a resort, but there is a large percentage of part-time and full-time residents besides the short term visitors. Glen Eden is a trailer park and camping facility located on 155 acres in the Santa Ana Mountains. Perfectly located in a micro climate which allows for sunshine when neighboring areas are cloudy, GE is positioned for an easy drive from either San Diego or Los Angeles. Since we frequent GE, I will certainly provide plenty of information including and beyond the standard brochure info. http://gleneden.com/ See my update on considering to buy at GE.
The Naked City in France, Cap d'Agde is a town where everything, including shopping can be done naked. This seaside town in the southern French region of Languedoc-Rousillon began as a beach campground and has grown into a official Naturist Village. The village is being fitted as pedestrian friendly and is rumored to have a new hotel available by Spring of 2011. Based on the famed police presence, families and single women should feel safe to visit or live in this skin friendly town. http://www.en.capdagde.com/
Cambium in the Dominican Republic is breaking ground for their holistic naturist village. You may buy property within the community and have a home built. I have yet to determine which utilities will be available, but if you desire to live close to nature in a holistic environment, this could be the one. Close to beaches, but on a hillside surrounded by tropical trees and plants with a community center offering massages, activities, swimming, shopping facilities and they are located within a few minutes to cities so you are not so remote from civilization. http://cambiumbene.com/
This is just the tip of the iceberg. I may have to make this post a series. I'd love to hear your experiences and thoughts on the subject.
Let's take a look at a few options.
Glen Eden Nudist Resort. Like many others GE terms itself a resort, but there is a large percentage of part-time and full-time residents besides the short term visitors. Glen Eden is a trailer park and camping facility located on 155 acres in the Santa Ana Mountains. Perfectly located in a micro climate which allows for sunshine when neighboring areas are cloudy, GE is positioned for an easy drive from either San Diego or Los Angeles. Since we frequent GE, I will certainly provide plenty of information including and beyond the standard brochure info. http://gleneden.com/ See my update on considering to buy at GE.
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http://www.capdagdefrance.co.uk/ |
Cambium in the Dominican Republic is breaking ground for their holistic naturist village. You may buy property within the community and have a home built. I have yet to determine which utilities will be available, but if you desire to live close to nature in a holistic environment, this could be the one. Close to beaches, but on a hillside surrounded by tropical trees and plants with a community center offering massages, activities, swimming, shopping facilities and they are located within a few minutes to cities so you are not so remote from civilization. http://cambiumbene.com/
This is just the tip of the iceberg. I may have to make this post a series. I'd love to hear your experiences and thoughts on the subject.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Brave New World
It was a lovely day at Glen Eden Nudist Resort near Corona, California this weekend. We were only able to visit for the day, but the weather was slightly warm with a cooling breeze that made the day perfect. The summer crowds were gone, making way for more elbow room and a quieter environment. We invited a friend to join us who had been contemplating visiting a nudist resort but hadn't yet found the opportunity. Well, we knocked and she joined us for a couple of hours. It was fun to share with her our secret to relaxation and once she was able to throw away her self conciousness she too began to relax. Moving from being fully clothed to covering up with a sarong, then throwing her towel off to the side in order to jump in the pool was a brave and unnerving experience simultaneously. By the end of the short time she spent with us, she admitted that she wished she could stay longer and that she felt much braver now having shed her clothes and her concerns.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Dog Days of Summer
This weekend we decided to visit the Terra Cotta Inn located in Palm Springs, California. We are frequent patrons and always enjoy the relaxing and friendly atmosphere. The owners of the Terra Cotta Inn are Tom and Mary Clare Mulhall. They are usually present and actively involved with their patrons which adds to the mom and pop feeling of this historic motel. If you ask why people tend to choose the Terra Cotta for their vacations, the usual answer will be the personal camaraderie they share with Tom and Mary Clare. Of course, everyone enjoys the Four O’clock appearance of Tom in his bow tie serving wine and strawberries. Sometimes the other staff members will assist with this daily activity, usually clothed or partially clothed, but Tom’s participation is always anticipated and met with a jovial spirit and adds to the light-hearted and whimsical environment. Sadly, Tom and Mary Clare recently lost their long time canine companion, Godiva. While she is truly missed and remembered fondly, Godiva’s legacy lives on with the new addition of Jude. The assumed to be German Shepherd and Labrador mixed puppy is quickly growing into her large paws. Of course, switching from a mature and laid back dog to a mischievous puppy is a bit of a challenge to both patrons and owners alike. However, Jude is winning hearts with her vivacious and playful love of her daily visitors and playmates.
Becoming a Nudist - My First Experience
Like many other women, I was introduced to the idea of public nudism by a boyfriend. I had certainly spent time in my youth, within the privacy of my own backyard, sunbathing in the nude and had spent a few gregarious evenings skinny dipping in my pool, or at the lake, with my girlfriends, but the idea of visiting a nude beach or a nudist resort certainly never crossed my mind and seemed rather far fetched. I am a modest person who is very insecure about the out of shape state of my middle aged physique; therefore the thought of exposing myself to a bunch of strangers in broad daylight was a terrifying consideration. However, I remembered those encounters during my youth where the prospect of baring my flesh for the thrill of swimming unencumbered by clothing were met with enthusiasm rather than fear and decided to give naturism a try.
My hopes were to visit a nude beach while vacationing with "M," in a far away place, but alas my plans were spoiled and the opportunity was lost. "M" and I discussed visiting a nudist resort and after much research decided upon a small clothing optional hotel in a nearby resort town. During the reservation process, the owner of the hotel put my fears to rest regarding naked starlets and swingers cavorting around the pool, triggering "M" to suffer whiplash from the tantalizing scenery.
The day finally arrived for my first nudist resort experience. "Would I be able to go through with it," I pondered to myself? Nervous, but determined, I rang the doorbell at the entrance gate. To my surprise, we were greeted by a cheerful man wearing nothing but socks and tennis shoes. He welcomed us and showed us around. The well manicured grounds and seventeen rooms surrounded the pool, where about twenty people of various ages, shapes, and sizes quietly engaged in conversation, reading, or lounging in the warm sun. As my fears were washed away with a complete sense of tranquility and freedom, my clothes quickly slipped off and I welcomed my new experience with an open heart, open mind, and a smile.
My hopes were to visit a nude beach while vacationing with "M," in a far away place, but alas my plans were spoiled and the opportunity was lost. "M" and I discussed visiting a nudist resort and after much research decided upon a small clothing optional hotel in a nearby resort town. During the reservation process, the owner of the hotel put my fears to rest regarding naked starlets and swingers cavorting around the pool, triggering "M" to suffer whiplash from the tantalizing scenery.
The day finally arrived for my first nudist resort experience. "Would I be able to go through with it," I pondered to myself? Nervous, but determined, I rang the doorbell at the entrance gate. To my surprise, we were greeted by a cheerful man wearing nothing but socks and tennis shoes. He welcomed us and showed us around. The well manicured grounds and seventeen rooms surrounded the pool, where about twenty people of various ages, shapes, and sizes quietly engaged in conversation, reading, or lounging in the warm sun. As my fears were washed away with a complete sense of tranquility and freedom, my clothes quickly slipped off and I welcomed my new experience with an open heart, open mind, and a smile.
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